21st ICOM 國際東洋醫學會學術大會 Date: August 30-31, 2025    本會設置「中醫藥安全諮詢服務平台」請點此,或有相關諮詢問題請來電02-29500907   

ICOM21st / 國際東洋醫學會

As the global focus of healthcare and research increasingly shifts toward Oriental medicine, traditional systems such as Chinese, Korean, and Japanese medicine are becoming pivotal in safeguarding human health and safety. To meet the growing demand for Oriental medicine worldwide, it is essential to enhance and innovate in this field. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by regularly holding international conferences on Oriental medicine. Through in-depth research and discussion, we not only promote global well-being but also discover solutions to complex medical challenges.

Every industry evolves in response to societal needs, and the healthcare sector is no exception. The success of Oriental medicine depends on how much people trust and rely on it. Therefore, our mission is to unite all members to highlight the strengths of Oriental medicine. Thanks to the leadership and perseverance of past presidents, the International Society of Oriental Medicine (ISOM) has achieved remarkable progress. Under the presidency of Academician Lin Zhao-Geng in the 18th ISOM, Oriental medicine played a key role in treating critical and complex conditions. In the 20th ISOM, Professor Choi Sung-Hoon of Korea demonstrated the efficacy of Oriental medicine in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, proving that it is indispensable in tackling modern global health crises.

Oriental medicine introduced concepts such as "preventive medicine" and "precision medicine" thousands of years ago. Even in cases of terminal illness, it does not abandon any opportunity to save lives, promoting the philosophy of “prolonging life despite illness.” Through precise acupuncture, herbal treatments, and dietary adjustments, Oriental medicine helps cancer patients extend their lifespan with preserved quality of life, fulfilling personal goals. This strength, often seen as a limitation of Western medicine, is where Oriental medicine excels, offering what many consider a vital lifeline.

As we face an aging population, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, mutated viruses, and new forms of diseases, Oriental medicine—rooted in ancient theories and methods—aligns perfectly with contemporary health needs. ISOM aims to leverage the collective wisdom of its members to demonstrate the value of Oriental medicine in every battle against disease. The COVID-19 pandemic, with its high transmission and fatality rates, challenged modern medicine. Fortunately, traditional Oriental treatments, such as Taiwan's Qingguan decoction, emerged in time to alleviate symptoms and curb the spread of the virus. These efforts bought valuable time for the development of vaccines and antiviral therapies, garnering international recognition and creating new opportunities for the global expansion of Oriental medicine. This direction will remain a priority for ISOM in the future.

As the era of global health dawns, and life expectancy continues to rise, healthcare has become a new frontier, following the digital industry boom. Oriental medicine, with its rich cultural heritage, stands as a powerful force in this emerging economy, offering vast untapped potential. ISOM must reassess the impact of the pandemic on the world, from public health issues to the rise of AI-driven solutions, and chart new paths forward. We hope that all participants enjoy this enriching academic experience in Oriental medicine.

Wishing you and your families health, happiness, and success!

Wang-Chuan Chen

President of the 21st International Conference of the Oriental Medical Society (ISOM)



每個產業的開創與發展,都是因應民眾及社會的整體需求而生,因此,醫療產業能否受到重視,絕對與民眾的依賴程度攸關,東洋醫學(傳統醫學)亦是如此,職是之故,要讓東洋醫學越來越興盛,我們的核心任務之一,就是集合全體會員的力量,將東洋醫學的優勢凸顯出來,幸好國際東洋醫學會在歷任會長的堅毅精神努力發揮之下,已顯有卓績,而在第18屆台灣林院士昭庚擔任會長時在急、重、難症之前瞻性治療,東洋醫學扮演了顯著角色,更在第20 屆韓國崔昇勳教授的構思下對COVID-19的預防治療更證明了東洋醫學的顯效。由此可知解決新世紀人類生存危機必須靠東洋醫學。




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國際東洋醫學會第21屆總會長 陳旺全